Permit streamlining

A resource for AIA components

Architectural planning and permitting documents

Architectural planning and permitting documents

Permit streamlining benefits everyone. Building owners and developers are more likely to move forward with their projects when unnecessary and unexpected delays are minimized. Architects can ensure the project they have designed gets built. Local communities realize significant economic development benefits by reducing costs while encouraging investment. Society and our planet thrive because of high-performance buildings and sustainably built communities.

Architects have insight, leadership skills, and technical expertise to help local jurisdictions evaluate existing conditions. They can offer improvement opportunities and recommend techniques and approaches to streamline the permitting processes that are locally appropriate. When AIA components work together with local permit authorities, resources are leveraged, and successful results are assured. When permit processing is made more effective and efficient, it creates economic and environmental benefits for the entire community.

Prospective permit streamlining advocates, especially state and local AIA components, should look to this resource as a first step in planning for changes in their community. It provides four illustrative examples from around the country as case studies highlighting different aspects of permit streamlining initiatives that succeeded. It debunks several myths about permit streamlining that often create barriers to getting started. Finally, it provides a simple roadmap that lays out a path forward.

The American Institute of Architects is your resource; our staff, volunteer members, subject matter expertise, and other guidance are available to assist you. Please consult the AIA resource collection at the end of this document for more. Share your permit streamlining successes and challenges with the AIA Codes Advocacy Program at or visit

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Architectural planning and permitting documents

Michael F. Malinowski, FAIA