If you own, manage, or are looking to step into a firm ownership/management position in the future, you will not want to miss this informative and highly interactive discussion group.


Small firms are defined as those with 10 or fewer employees. While the focus will be on architecture firms, those managing small engineering, landscape architecture or interior design firms will find this series equally helpful.

The format is a round-table discussion with all of the attendees participating. A subject matter expert will provide a 10 to 15 minute introduction to the topic and then will open the discussion. Everyone is encouraged to share their own experiences and to ask specific question to the group.

Free to AIA Members,

$5 for non-members

One hour AIA LU will be available for each session.

HSW credits will be available depending on topic.

Small Firm Forum meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm.

In order to bring this to our members at no cost this is a "bring your own lunch" program. Bring a brown bag, or pick up a lunch from a nearby restaurant.

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