AIA 2024 Annual Business Meeting
Delegates don't move forward with membership expansion and AIA president shares Board response to inquiry from former AIA presidents.
AIA member delegates gathered in-person and virtually Wednesday, June 5, for AIA’s 2024 Annual Meeting during the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design® in Washington, D.C.
Before leading the debate of the considered AIA Bylaws amendments and resolutions, AIA President Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMAC, updated delegates on an on-going internal review in response to a letter received by the Board on April 4, 2024, signed by 22 former AIA presidents, questioning financial and management decisions.
Dowdell shared that AIA’s Board of Directors engaged an external law firm to conduct an independent and legally privileged review of the issues and facts relating to the concerns raised. As a matter of urgency, the Board directed external counsel to review the planning and execution of an in-person learning retreat for AIA staff that took place in March; AIA staff currently work remotely as the Washington, D.C., headquarters undergo renovations. Dowdell announced that a portion of the review concerning the staff retreat has concluded. The Board found the facts around the concerns raised in the letter to have been addressed. No action will be taken by the Board in connection with the staff retreat, Dowdell said.
After a business report from EVP/CEO Lakisha Woods, CAE, delegates considered the amendments to AIA Bylaws and resolutions. The most debated issue was four motions to change AIA Bylaws related to membership. Delegates rejected motions that would have incorporated a new definition of Associate AIA status and expanded Associate AIA statuses to include senior associate, and international members, as well as modernizing benefits for allied members, honorary fellows and honorary members. Members also rejected a motion to extend AIA membership to internationally licensed architectural professionals and to amend bylaws to expand AIA membership to academic and student members. Delegates voted to accept a motion with amendments to address termination of membership for misconduct, provide clarity on the At-Large Director appointments to the Board of Directors, and accept governance edits.
The delegates also considered four resolutions. The outcome of the accredited delegates voted on the resolution is as follows:
Motion to accept Resolution 1: AIA Health and Wellbeing Policy with amendments
Motion to accept Resolution 2: Inclusion of Additional Underrepresented Groups within the AIA Strategic Plan 2021-2025’s Equity Statement.
Motion to accept Resolution 3: Governing Body Amendment with amendments
Motion to reject Resolution 4: Providing Virtual Attendance Options for AIA Annual Conference and Women’s Leadership Summit.
In accordance with the AIA Rules of the Board, resolutions adopted at the Annual Meeting will be referred to the Board of Directors during their Board meeting on September 12, 2024, for consideration of ratification and implementation.