2024 RUDC Symposium: Cities are Relationships: Regionalism and Polycentricity
This year's RUDC Symposium features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and in-person tours that highlight the value of polycentric cities and regional connectivity.

Join us!
Join the AIA Regional & Urban Design Committee at the two-day RUDC Symposium in Indianapolis on November 14-15, 2024, for discussions about polycentric cities, regional connectivity through relationships, and adaptation. The first day will include a series of keynote presentations and panels, while the second day will feature site tours of downtown Indianapolis and surrounding urban districts.
Polycentric cities are either expanding or contracting, both figuratively and physically. Cities must confidently envision the best outcomes with contemporary design and assertive thought leadership. Our way of living, working, playing, and learning is evolving rapidly due to increased connection and separation of cities in their relationship to the regions. Our panels and presenters will discuss the questions and opportunities for our resilient cities and confidently unpack future urban design challenges and solutions.
*12 AIA LU / HSW credits pending