Year in Review 2022
Explore important AIA firsts, expanded membership demographics, community developments, advocacy wins, key organization milestones, awards given and received, and more in AIA’s annual review.
Annual AIA report
2022 was a rich year in opportunities, with AIA focusing on programs, services, and public policies to achieve the bold and necessary goals in the Strategic Plan—to advance climate action for human and ecological health, and advance racial, ethnic, and gender equity. We restructured our organization to more closely reflect our deep commitment to members and to tracking progress toward our goals. We will continue to seek opportunities and connections that will help define our stewardship of the built environment.
- Daniel S. Hart, FAIA, PE, 2022 AIA President
- Lakisha Ann Woods, CAE, AIA EVP/CEO

AIA expanded outreach in academia, media, and on the global stage. All architects highlighted in the America ByDesign episodes are AIA members. AIA/NOMA joint HBCU visits sharpened each organization’s focus on how to support these architecture programs. Our COP delegation communicated the importance of the built environment for external benefits and values, research and investment, and energy codes and performance standards.
- Featured in America ByDesign: Architecture a six-part series on CBS streaming.
- AIA and NOMA presidents visited all seven NAAB-accredited HBCU architecture programs.
- In our second year participating, the COP27 leadership delegation hosted its first event and organized its first policymaker roundtable.

Signature events like the AIA Conference on Architecture and the Women’s Leadership Summit once again offered unmatched experiences for education, inspiration, and connection.

AIA leaders testified in support of bills at the federal level and in multiple states and won recognition of the role of architects in more effectively leading the building sector to address climate initiatives more expeditiously.
Key actions taken
- 2,482 petition signatures collected
- 994 advocates contacted elected officials
- 400+ meetings with federal legislators
Selected federal wins
- H.R. 5376 Secured multiple climate funding priorities in H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act
- Safer Communities Act Advanced the authorization of the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act for design approaches to school safety enhancement
Selected state wins
- AIA California supported AB2446, adopted in the state, that will reduce embodied carbon emissions in the construction of new buildings, including residential properties.
- AIA Washington supported HB 1280, paving the way for more state buildings to become fully electric and SB 5722, which extends building performance standards under the Clean Buildings Act. Both bills passed.
- AIA Colorado supported the adoption of HB22-1362 for greater use statewide of the 2021 and 2024 International Energy Conservation Codes (IECC) for new buildings and worked to ensure that an architect will be a member of the state energy code board.
- AIA Maryland supported the adoption of SB 528, accelerating the reduction of statewide greenhouse emissions including establishing a net-zero goal.
- AIA Oregon supported SB 1518, which was signed into law, allowing cities to address stronger energy codes and establish a task force that includes one member representing architects.
- AIA Ohio supported legislation passed by the state to prohibit contract language on projects that would require an architect to indemnify any party for damages, other than those caused by, or in proportion to, the architect's actions.
- AIA Pennsylvania and AIA New Jersey approved increased funding for historic preservation projects, creating new project opportunities for architects in those states.
Honors & Awards
Our honors and awards feature member contributions and influence in design excellence, sustainability, and social responsibility.

The Blueprint for Better campaign continued to highlight the influence of architecture on climate change. For its 30th year, the Young Architects Forum challenged summit attendees with Mission 2130, asking teams to envision society and the role of architects 100 years into the future. The AIA Leadership Academy is a three-year, 12-session program designed to provide critical leadership and business skills for professional development.

WLS exceeded attendance goals by 24% and sponsorship goals by 19%, resulting in the highest sponsorship support in the event's history. It also had a strong social media presence. Posts from AIA National’s social media channels featuring #AIAWLS content received over 340,000 impressions and an engagement rate of 7.5% (compared to AIA’s average engagement rate of 3% for all social media content). Knowledge Communities events included student and young professional engagement and coordination with key industry partners.
AIACommunitiesby Design
- Supported 150+ requests across 6 continents, 11 countries, 20 U.S. states, and1 U.S. territory
- The CxD public service program helps communities overcome challenges and build paths to success.
AIA Continuing Education
- +1.35M LUsreported
- +3K CES providers
- +29K Coursereviews
- +46K LUs earned bymembers &customers
- +15K Uniqueusers

Awards received
The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) awards showcase our success in harnessing the collective power of our members to benefit society. The Summit Award is ASAE’s highest honor.

The Guides for Equitable Practice: Justice in the Built Environment, Equity in Architectural Education, and the State of Resiliency in the Built Environment had +5000 page views, helping to educate members and advance practice.

2022 Audited financials