AIA Hill Day 2024
AIA Hill Day is one component of this year’s AIA Leadership Summit. Hill Day provides architect members with a platform to directly advocate for legislation impacting the profession before Members of Congress and Congressional staff. For Hill Day 2024, the meetings will be held in person at the House and Senate office buildings at the U.S. Capitol.

Why should architects lobby Congress?
AIA members are a powerful voice for the values they uphold in their practices every day. As natural facilitators and problem-solvers, architects stand ready to support new policies that create a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable society.
How were participants selected?
AIA members volunteer to participate in Hill Day 2024 by selecting the option in their registration for the 2024 AIA Leadership Summit. No prior experience in advocacy is necessary to sign up; we’ll send you all the information you need to feel prepared on Capitol Hill.
AIA Federal Relations staff will also be on Capitol Hill with multiple AIA participants during the Hill Day event. AIA’s Federal Relations staff will serve as support if/when needed.
Which Members of Congress will AIA members meet with during this year's Hill Day?
AIA members will engage with their Members of Congress as professionals and constituents. When more AIA members volunteer to participate in Hill Day, it expands the number of Congressional offices AIA can meet. Where possible, we are prioritizing Congressional offices that sit on the following Congressional Committees, which have jurisdiction over both pieces of legislation: The U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Which legislation will AIA members support during Hill Day 2024?
- H.R. 7024 would repeal the harmful research and development amortization tax provision and make it retroactive to cover the tax year 2022 to ensure that the tax code continues to support innovation to solve issues like making buildings more resilient to our changing climate.
AIA Calls on Congress to Repeal the Research and Development Tax Amortization - Revising the fee limitation utilized for cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract for federal design and construction projects from six to ten percent essential because of the growing complexity of design projects, the additional services that need to be provided to complete a successful 21st century project, and the growing amount of upfront work and extensive management requirements needed to complete a project.
AIA commends Congress for revising fee limitation for federal design and construction projects - H.R. 964/S. 366 is bipartisan legislation that will ensure that communities across the country have a voice in the design of federal buildings in their area. Maintaining a style-neutral position respects the architectural design traditions in our country, while meeting local needs, understanding regional differences, and encouraging innovation.
Democracy In Design Act background document.